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Отзывы и вопросы пациентов - КГБУЗ Лазовская центральная районная больница

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Юридический адрес: 692980, Приморский край, Лазовский  р-н, с. Лазо, ул. Советская, д.  69,

Почтовый адрес: 692998, Приморский край, Лазовский р-н, п. Преображение, пер. Партизанский, 20

КГБУЗ Лазовская центральная

районная больница

Отзывы и вопросы пациентов

05.02.2024 18:57:16, Roberta Brogan
Вопрос: Do​ ​You​ ​want​ ​FREE​ ​TARGETED​ ​​Traffic?

I’m talking about traffic that actually converts into sales and continues to come in FOR YEAR !

I’m using a SNEAKY tactic to rank on the first page of GOOGLE and siphon as much TARGETED TRAFFIC as I want!

And what I love the most about this tactic is that:

You​ ​won’t​ ​have​ ​to​ ​learn​ ​a​ ​thing​ ​about​ ​SEO

Check it Out on Our Site

Нужно ответить до: 06.03.2024 18:57:16

04.02.2024 23:44:08, Shayne Lance
Do​ ​You​ ​want​ ​FREE​ ​TARGETED​ ​​Traffic?

I’m talking about traffic that actually converts into sales and continues to come in FOR YEAR !

I’m using a SNEAKY tactic to rank on the first page of GOOGLE and siphon as much TARGETED TRAFFIC as I want!

And what I love the most about this tactic is that:

You​ ​won’t​ ​have​ ​to​ ​learn​ ​a​ ​thing​ ​about​ ​SEO

Check it Out on Our Site

Нужно ответить до: 05.03.2024 23:44:08

04.02.2024 16:43:27, Christie McCasland
Вопрос: Do you need targeted Customers emails and phone numbers , so I am here to help you check out  my Fiverr 5 stares profile serving over 880 happy customers
contact me here and tell me what you need  ===== > https://tinyurl.com/3ckxfu2c
See you there


Нужно ответить до: 05.03.2024 16:43:27

03.02.2024 06:54:34, Orlando Willshire
Вопрос: Did you hear about the unusual rice method that liquifies fat cells as you sleep?

Clinical studies confirm just 30 secs of this simple rice technique boosts calorie burning and fat-dissolving by over 326%, that's more calories than 45 mins running!

Before you go to sleep tonight, try it for yourself...

>>> 1 Unusual Rice Method That Liquifies Fat As You Sleep

Don't waste another second on:

X--- Fad diets that are impossible to enjoy...
X--- Gym memberships or fitness apps...
X--- Calorie counting

Instead, just try this one easy fat-dissolving rice method before you sleep tonight and drop lbs of stubborn fat by morning.

Click here: https://hi.switchy.io/Knov

To your health,

To unsubscribe reply with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject.

Нужно ответить до: 04.03.2024 06:54:34

02.02.2024 19:33:59, Brent Fouch
Вопрос: Can I send you something to help your website use AI?

Нужно ответить до: 03.03.2024 19:33:59

02.02.2024 15:26:59, Theresa Smith
Вопрос: Hello,

I work with a company that makes ultra-thin stylish body weight bands that you can wear all day with any outfit, even a dress or suit and burn 750-1500 calories a day just by going about your day.

This is not a gimmick, our bands go on the wrist, ankle, waist and come in sets of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 lbs. You are basically carrying that around all day and your body is working (burning more calories) to carry that extra load.

Benefits You’ll Get Instantly From Our All Day Body Weights:

- You’ll burn up to 1,500 calories a day as your body gets more toned.
- You’ll start losing weight the natural way without having to workout.
- You’ll start building more muscles and strength as you just go about your day.

Imagine getting the body you always wanted, without having to workout at a gym or having to go on a stressful diet. Well now you can, with Elebands.

Many of our clients are losing 2-3 pounds a week and getting tremendous health benefits.

Use this coupon code to get 20% off: SAVE-20%-TODAY

Visit our site now and get the body you always wanted: https://bit.ly/elebands-special

Theresa Smith
Brand Ambassador
Elebands USA

GET STARTED NOW: https://bit.ly/elebands-special

Нужно ответить до: 03.03.2024 15:26:59

01.02.2024 10:18:10, Chase Peterson
Вопрос: AI is here to change the world…

Like it or not, it’s a fact and there is no changing it

AI can do most of the jobs with 100% accuracy and zero mistakes

And best of all, AI doesn’t get paid or take days off…

So the question is, would you like a piece of that pie?

If you answered yes… you’re in luck

Cause my good friend just launch BrainBox

The world’s first AI-Powered app that let you launch your own Chatbot with 50 stunning AI features…

Best of all, unlike ChatGPT…

BrainBox has ZERO limitations… ZERO downtime

>> https://warriorplus.com/o2/a/hfjg7b/0

Oh, and there are no monthly payments…

You will be able to pick up your copy for a small one-time fee…

For a limited time, use coupon code "BrainBox5off" to receive a massive 89% discount

With BrainBox, you can:

Write and proofread any content you need - 100% unique

Generate AI designs from 1 keyword

Generate codes and scripts in any programming language without any technical knowledge on your end

Generate an entire SEO strategy without paying for an “expert”

Generate Spreadsheets formulas in seconds

Create stunning videos with a click

Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your online business with BrainBox

>>  https://warriorplus.com/o2/a/hfjg7b/0

Try it now!
Best regards,


Нужно ответить до: 02.03.2024 10:18:10

01.02.2024 03:07:09, Bruno Danis
Вопрос: Demotration Video : https://youtu.be/mzVih1bMPVE

Building muscle with resistance bands is an effective way to enhance your strength and fitness. By incorporating the following moves into your workout routine, you can target various muscle groups and achieve a full-body workout.

Start by stretching your entire body and then pull up with your arms, using the fitness resistance band to bring it to shoulder level. This action engages your upper body muscles and helps in building strength.

Next, position the resistance band at the soles of your feet and push your hips back while bending your knees. This move targets the lower body muscles, particularly the glutes and thighs.

To work on your upper body, place the resistance band between the soles of your feet and pull upward with your hands, contracting your shoulder muscles and engaging your core.

For a challenging full-body exercise, place your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart to support your body. Keep your body and feet in a straight line, ensuring your chest is up, abs are engaged, and shoulders are down.

To target the triceps, keep your arms close to your body, straighten your elbows, and feel the muscles tighten as you contract at the highest point for one to two seconds. Then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat this movement with both arms to ensure balanced muscle development.

Additionally, you can incorporate lateral and front resistance band pulls to strengthen the muscles in your legs. By securing the elastic band and pulling horizontally, you engage the muscles in your arms and chest.

To further enhance lower body strength, perform thigh side-to-side or front-and-back pulls with the resistance band. This helps in strengthening the muscles in your legs and improving overall stability.

Remember, resistance bands can be used anywhere, making them a convenient option for home workouts or while traveling. With ankle straps and door attachments, you can easily incorporate resistance band exercises into your fitness routine without the need for bulky equipment.

Incorporating these resistance band moves into your workout regimen can help you achieve a well-rounded strength training routine that targets various muscle groups throughout your body.
Нужно ответить до: 02.03.2024 03:07:09

31.01.2024 18:11:24, Laurinda Culbert
Вопрос: Hello,

Try your luck today.

Check this out : https://cx2e.short.gy/RooB

Thank you for your support and have a great day,

Laurinda Culbert
Нужно ответить до: 01.03.2024 18:11:24

31.01.2024 11:42:24, Isaac Louise
Вопрос: Linkedin has 810 MILLION active users.

But 99% of businesses don't know how to use it.

Here are 10 powerful features you didn't know existed.


Don’t miss a thing. Get these free social marketing lessons 3x/wk here: Subscribe.


The Down Range Team!!!
Нужно ответить до: 01.03.2024 11:42:24

30.01.2024 15:47:22, Michael Sinclair
Вопрос: Hello,

I checked out your business today and wanted to know if you would be interested in getting 10-15 solid leads a week for your business?

This week, we are offering businesses in your area, the opportunity to reach 1.25 million potential clients through our highly effective email marketing system that can start getting you leads in just a few days. And the best part is, we are discounting our price from $550 to just $240.  

Book a 10 min call with us to learn more: https://bit.ly/hivemailer-special

You might be wondering if our system works, well if you are reading this message, it works.


- We create the content for the email(s).
- We provide the email list (contacts).
- We forward leads to you daily.
- We manage your email campaigns 24/7.

WHO THIS IS FOR: Companies who sell products or services with a wide appeal to businesses (B2B).

Just imagine, getting hot leads within days of getting started with us. Get started now!!! For just $240, we’ll send 1.25-Million emails and start filling up your inbox instantly.

Book a 10 min call with us to learn more: https://bit.ly/hivemailer-special



Нужно ответить до: 29.02.2024 15:47:22

27.01.2024 23:05:26, David Quillson
Вопрос: lazocrb.ru, “Tell” THIS to Chat-GPT... For $440 Days

You're just one "copy-and-paste"...

From being a $1,000/hour software engineer - with Chat-GPT.

That way you can make APPS like a Silicon valley nerd…

While getting paid like a Wall Street banker!

It’s all because of a weird “app-building” AI this guy just released.

See the DEMO here:

⇒ bit.ly/InfiniteAIApps

See, I already knew that this guy Chris made $100K so far this year.

And I knew he made that money selling apps.

But… Chris is an expert builder of tools.

So.. I just assumed he hired a $10k developer.

But.. actually Chris has been harboring a SECRET.

It turns out he no longer hires developers.

Instead, he uses a CUSTOM Chat-Gpt “App Builder”.

A NEW “AI ALIEN TECH” that BUILDS his apps for him!

It’s bizarre and actually very simple:

1. Enter the name of your app
2. Enter a few settings
3. Deploy your app (no hosting required).

I wouldn’t have believed it myself, but…

On THIS page Chris shows REAL proof of FOUR apps he built this way.

==> bit.ly/InfiniteAIApps

And get this.. They made him over $100k!

So.. want to join him? Then good news…

All you need to do, is open the software..

Either choose one of the pre-made app templates…

Or build your own UNIQUE, 100% CUSTOM AND NEW APP - from scratch.

Click ONCE to run the CUSTOM app-building AI…

And your brand new cloud-based app is complete!

Then, you could be making commissions, every day of 2023!

Just like the ClickBank super affiliate who built this...

He's been making HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS with this in 2023.

See how he did it, with this method here:

==> bit.ly/InfiniteAIApps

Today this new app opens to the public...

So YOU can do this from your browser…

Without writing a single thing, or needing any techie skills whatsoever!

All you need is the AI.. the desire to become an AI software owner…

And this very strange new "Done For You" addon for Chat-GPT

(that way you can run your OWN custom commission-getting AI model in your browser)

So… are you in?

OK, great...

Click here now

==>   bit.ly/InfiniteAIApps

But do it RIGHT NOW, as the price increases in the next minutes (and every hour after that)

149 N West Ave, Jackson, MI 49205

To Avoid Future Marketing, Messege your domain name to Here:

Нужно ответить до: 26.02.2024 23:05:26

27.01.2024 10:10:16, Kai Airey
Вопрос: Is there a reason you're not hosting lazocrb.ru on a faster, more cost-effective platform like Cloudways? https://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1080835&u=2909545&m=75038

Нужно ответить до: 26.02.2024 10:10:16

26.01.2024 02:20:27, Adalberto Graves
Вопрос: Discover How We Make $25/min with GPT

Get our Most Profitable AI Apps for Chat-GPT

*NEW* AI Apps Bank Us $194/Hour With AI

Case Studies: $120 to $5k/Day Revealed

*EXPOSED* SECRET Free AI Tools for Profit

Make 100% With Resell Rights Included!

Fast-Track Your AI Profit in 2024.. in 1 Click!

Get the Elite 2024 Tech of The #1 AI Profiteer

100% GUARANTEED you NEVER SAW these AI Tricks in ALL of 2024.. or 5x your money-back!

click here so see it


thank me later
Нужно ответить до: 25.02.2024 02:20:27

25.01.2024 13:52:42, John Wellson
Вопрос: Audiobooks is now the BIG goldmine, and people are making huge profits with it on a daily basis…

Sadly, creating and selling them can be tough and super-expensive.

But I have got good news for you…

Meet Vox AI

The World’s First ChatGPT4-Powered AI App That Turns Any "Text, URL, Website, Article, Keyword, Blog, Document or PDF" into High-Quality Audiobooks or Podcast In 660 Different Voices & 80 Languages…

>> Click Here To See The Live Demo: bit.ly/VoxAiOffer

With Vox AI, you can generate content on any topic using “Siri-Like” voice command & turn it to Audiobooks, Podcasts, or Voiceovers for VSL, TV Commercial, Webinars, Sales Videos, etc

...Publish To The Built-In Marketplace with 2.3M active users, Sell & Receive Instant Payments Via Multiple Methods, including Paypal, Stripe, Cards, and Bank Accounts…

>> Click Here to Get Instant Access to Vox AI and Sell On Automation: bit.ly/VoxAiOffer

Coupon Code - VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people)

Even if you are a newbie with zero knowledge… VoxAI is your best shot.

You can easily Activate VoxAI in 3 simple steps & start your audiobook empire:

Step 1: Login - Login to VoxAI Cloud-Bases App

Step 2: Generate- Enter a Keyword, article, PDF, or even a URL… and VoxAI will turn them into a Full Audiobook or Podcast

Step 3: Publish- publish your audiobooks on our built-in marketplace with 2.3 million active users.

Step 4: Start Profiting as soon as you are done

It is as simple as that.

>> Get Lifetime Access Here: bit.ly/VoxAiOffer

With Vox AI, you can…

Create Your First Audiobook Within 2 Minutes

Turn Any Article, Website, Url, PDF or Blog Into Audiobook, Podcast, VSL, Audio/Music Track…

Create A Podcast With Human Voice Without Recording

Choose From 660 Real Human Voices

Create Voices In 80+ Different Languages

Comes With 50+ Built-In AI Features That Will Make Your Life 100x Easier

We Don’t Even Write Scripts, We Let AI Do It For Us.

Publish Your AudioBook To Our Marketplace With 2.3 Million Active User

Publish your AudioBook Or Podcast To (Spotify, Audible, Scribe)

No Complicated Setup - Get Up And Running In 2 Minutes

…All these, and many more without Paying Any Monthly Fee

>> Click Here To Get Earlybird Access (Ends In 2 Hours From Now): bit.ly/VoxAiOffer

Coupon Code - VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people)

Fair Warning - Go In Now To Avoid Paying Monthly Fee Later



Нужно ответить до: 24.02.2024 13:52:42

25.01.2024 11:58:26, Brent Fouch
Вопрос: Hey, I noticed your website isn't using AI yet, can I send over something that I think would help?
Нужно ответить до: 24.02.2024 11:58:26

23.01.2024 22:04:52, Piper Smalley
Вопрос: Discover How We Make $25/min with GPT

Get our Most Profitable AI Apps for Chat-GPT

*NEW* AI Apps Bank Us $194/Hour With AI

Case Studies: $120 to $5k/Day Revealed

*EXPOSED* SECRET Free AI Tools for Profit

Make 100% With Resell Rights Included!

Fast-Track Your AI Profit in 2024.. in 1 Click!

Get the Elite 2024 Tech of The #1 AI Profiteer

100% GUARANTEED you NEVER SAW these AI Tricks in ALL of 2024.. or 5x your money-back!

click here so see it


thank me later
Нужно ответить до: 22.02.2024 22:04:52

23.01.2024 00:16:51, Bobby Ryan
Вопрос: Hi, I noticed a few problems affecting your website on Google, is this a good place to send them?
Нужно ответить до: 22.02.2024 00:16:51

22.01.2024 19:26:38, Zayne ‎
Вопрос: Hi, my name is Zayne and I'd like to volunteer my time to you. I have a ton of experience building and optimizing SEO for websites. I've found that one of the best ways to get to know new people is by volunteering, so I'd like to donate my time to you.

Drop me a text on +61 407410053

Or alternatively you can fill out the form at https://websculptseo.com/request-a-quote/

Looking forward to partnering with you.

Warm regards,
Нужно ответить до: 21.02.2024 19:26:38

21.01.2024 23:16:14, Chase Richards
Вопрос: How does pulling in 3.5K+ a day sound?

That’s what Chris is making with his 10 AI apps…

Now you can get these SAME 10 AI apps…

…his most profitable AI Apps…

Along with case studies for making 120 to 5K/ day…

Wait… what?

Find out more >> bit.ly/AiApps

He’s including resell rights too?

This is vintage and cutting edge AI, like always…

…full of awesome…

Imagine having the power (and the resell rights) to these:

VidGPT - create AI videos, with voice-overs, royalty-free images, videos & text-slides right from your browser and much more… easily worth the price of admission alone…

Passive GPT MultiModal ChatGPT - Give Chat-GPT "ears" + plug it into ANY audio source or YouTube video - for an unlimited stream of content from other people's videos…

Infinite AI - Build Unique AI Software - Create your own unique, sellable, password-protected software apps, powered by Chat-GPT! This is the SAME tech he used to build my 1k selling "AI Commissions" app!

And that’s just THREE of the 10 AI apps you’ll pick up today… with QuickStart Guide, training… piles and piles of training videos so you’ll have everything you need…

…to be an AI Wizard… if you want…

In the meantime, you can get ALL of these amazing apps for a ONE time fee, 96% off…

…but hurry, this is a VERY limited time offer...

Get this and watch your profits explode in 2024… >> bit.ly/AiApps

To Your Success,
Нужно ответить до: 20.02.2024 23:16:14

Телефон (факс)
Юридический адрес: 692980, Приморский край, Лазовский  р-н, с. Лазо, ул. Советская, д.  69,

Почтовый адрес: 692998, Приморский край, Лазовский р-н, п. Преображение, пер. Партизанский, 20