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Отзывы и вопросы пациентов - КГБУЗ Лазовская центральная районная больница

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Юридический адрес: 692980, Приморский край, Лазовский  р-н, с. Лазо, ул. Советская, д.  69,

Почтовый адрес: 692998, Приморский край, Лазовский р-н, п. Преображение, пер. Партизанский, 20

КГБУЗ Лазовская центральная

районная больница

Отзывы и вопросы пациентов

20.08.2023 04:38:59, James Gordon
Вопрос: What if I told you that you can start generating

massive FREE traffic in under 23 seconds

by exploiting a new secret AI-powered app

That’s called “the Chat GPT Killer?”

I know it sounds like science fiction, but believe

it or not, it’s 100% possible!

This super exciting app is called “Apex”, and it’s

taking the internet by storm…

With "Apex," you can generate 4,458 clicks using

ONLY free traffic (no paid ads, ever.).

Imagine what you could do with that kind of traffic!

=> Click Here To Get Instant Access To “Apex” Now: https://bit.ly/LimitedApex

And the best part?

You don't need any hosting or domain to get started!

Here are some of the benefits you can expect

from "Apex"

Get 4,458 clicks using ONLY free traffic

Crank out money sites that work 24/7

Never worry about SEO or writing content yourself

No hosting or domain is needed

No learning curve

=> Click Here To Get Instant Access To “Apex” Now: https://bit.ly/LimitedApex

If you want to take advantage of this “Chat GPT” killer

software, this is your chance.

But, you have to be quick.

I heard rumors that “Apex” won’t be online for

long, and the team is planning to pull it off the

market since they’re getting thousands of new

users as you read this.

That’s why time is of the essence.

Be quick and grab your personal copy of “Apex”

before it’s gone forever!

=> Click Here To Get Started Now: https://bit.ly/LimitedApex

I'll see you inside,

Нужно ответить до: 19.09.2023 04:38:59

19.08.2023 07:39:43, Richard Anderson
Вопрос: Hey there,

Get ahead of the competition with AI

Go to https://rokl.ink/increased-sales

to uncover a lucrative partnership opportunity that will skyrocket your leads and sales.

Best regards,

James   Williams


If you wish to discontinue communication,
please opt out at https://rokl.ink/optout.
Нужно ответить до: 18.09.2023 07:39:43

18.08.2023 23:43:47, Adam Carlson
Вопрос: Audiobook is now the BIG goldmine, and people are making huge profits with it on a daily basis…

Sadly, creating and selling them can be tough and super-expensive.

But I have got good news for you…

Meet Vox AI

The World’s First ChatGPT4-Powered AI App That Turns Any "Text, URL, Website, Article, Keyword, Blog, Document or PDF" into High-Quality Audiobooks or Podcast In 660 Different Voices & 80 Languages…

>> Click Here To See The Live Demo: bit.ly/VoxAIOffer

With Vox AI, you can generate content on any topic using “Siri-Like” voice command & turn it to Audiobooks, Podcasts, or Voiceovers for VSL, TV Commercial, Webinars, Sales Videos, etc

...Publish To The Built-In Marketplace with 2.3M active users, Sell & Receive Instant Payments Via Multiple Methods, including Paypal, Stripe, Cards, and Bank Accounts…

>> Click Here to Get Instant Access to Vox AI and Sell On Automation: bit.ly/VoxAIOffer

Coupon Code - VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people)

Even if you are a newbie with zero knowledge… VoxAI is your best shot.

You can easily Activate VoxAI in 3 simple steps & start your audiobook empire:

Step 1: Login - Login to VoxAI Cloud-Bases App

Step 2: Generate- Enter a Keyword, article, PDF, or even a URL… and VoxAI will turn them into a Full Audiobook or Podcast

Step 3: Publish- publish your audiobooks on our built-in marketplace with 2.3 million active users.

Step 4: Start Profiting as soon as you are done

It is as simple as that.

>> Get Lifetime Access Here: bit.ly/VoxAIOffer

With Vox AI, you can…

- Create Your First Audiobook Within 2 Minutes

-  Turn Any Article, Website, Url, PDF or Blog Into Audiobook, Podcast, VSL, Audio/Music Track…

-  Create A Podcast With Human Voice Without Recording

-  Choose From 660 Real Human Voices

-  Create Voices In 80+ Different Languages

-  Comes With 50+ Built-In AI Features That Will Make Your Life 100x Easier

-  We Don’t Even Write Scripts, We Let AI Do It For Us.

-  Publish Your AudioBook To Our Marketplace With 2.3 Million Active User

-  Publish your AudioBook Or Podcast To (Spotify, Audible, Scribe)

-  No Complicated Setup - Get Up And Running In 2 Minutes

…All these, and many more without Paying Any Monthly Fee

>> Click Here To Get Earlybird Access (Ends In 2 Hours From Now): bit.ly/VoxAIOffer

Coupon Code - VOX5OFF (strictly for the first 12 people)

>> Click here to get Lifetime access to VoxAI and start profiting from day one: bit.ly/VoxAIOffer

Fair Warning - Go In Now To Avoid Paying Monthly Fee Later



Нужно ответить до: 17.09.2023 23:43:47

18.08.2023 17:52:07, Steve Collins
Вопрос: Hey there, my name is Steve and I am a remote recruitment agent for AISocial, I checked out your website and I am impressed. I am currently looking for a couple more app reviewers to join our team. The position is flexible so you can work it a couple hours a day on the side of your main business, it pays a minimum of $200 per day and would involve writing a couple app reviews a day.

We currently are hiring 3 more people from your location, if you are interested you can view the details of the job by clicking my hiring link below, it isn't the hardest job but we are looking for the most qualified candidates to proceed.


Thank you for your time, we hope to see you on our team!

Talk soon,
Steve from AISocial
Нужно ответить до: 17.09.2023 17:52:07

17.08.2023 18:17:14, Susan Karsh
Вопрос: Hello,

I recently reviewed your website at lazocrb.ru and I am fascinated by what you guys are doing. So, I thought of sharing a powerful tool that could interest you.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly shaping the future of work, right from entry-level positions to the top ranks of CEOs. Easy-to-use AI programs such as ChatGPT are already being adopted for boosting productivity and making work more convenient.

That's where 'Myaa' steps in. It's not your usual AI platform; it's a platform that hosts thousands of AI agents. Picture Myaa's agents like your colleagues - reliable, knowledgeable, and ready to aid in almost any job you throw at it.

Small business, big business, or something in-between - no matter your size, every business can benefit from the helpful hand of an AI partner like Myaa. The best part? You can use it for free.

Feel free to explore more at promo.myaa.com and sign up for your free account. Embrace the ease of AI with Myaa and stay ahead of the game!

Looking forward to hearing how Myaa is revolutionizing your workspace.

Susan Karsh

P.S. Don't wait for the future to catch up to you. Head over to promo.myaa.com, learn about all the perks Myaa brings to the table, and sign up for a free account today.
Нужно ответить до: 16.09.2023 18:17:14

17.08.2023 10:59:36, Tony Willson
Вопрос: How would you feel about the need not to pay for any expensive Video tools for Lifetime?

What about paying once and using all Ai features for a lifetime without any restrictions?

⇒Go and Check Full Details Here: bit.ly/VideoBlogAI

Introducing VideoBlogAi.

VideoBlogAI - The World’s First OpenAI’s New Tech “Dall E 2.0-powered App Turns Any Blog Url Into Attention-Grabbing Ai Video With Human-Like Voice Over In Less Than 60 Seconds…

✅ Turn Any Blog Url Into Stunning Ai Video In Less Than 60 Seconds……

✅ Choose From Our Built-In Human-Like Voice Artists For Videos…

✅ Get Access To A Vast Pool Of Over 200+ Million Video Clips, Images, And Much More!

✅ Writes JVs & Android codes…

✅ Effortlessly Turn Tweets & Powerpoint Presentations Into Engaging  Ai Videos

✅ Start Profiting By Converting Any Blog Article Into a Video Podcast, Reels, Shorts & So Much More…

==>Go and watch the 60 seconds demo video Here: bit.ly/VideoBlogAI

Right now, you have an early bird discount on this page which gives you full lifetime access to VideoBlogAI just at the price of a cheap t-shirt…

⇒Click the link here to get a copy of VideoBlogAI at the lowest one-time price: bit.ly/VideoBlogAI

Also, you are going to get these Free Bonuses Here:-

Bonus#1 VideoBlogAI  Apps Version

“Brand New 1-Click Cloud Based Mobile App Builder LETS YOU CREATE UNLIMITED MOBILE APPS FOR IOS & ANDROID!”

Bonus#2 VideoBlogAI  Puzzle version

“1 Click App Help You Create A Full-Time PASSIVE INCOME Publishing Puzzle Books On Amazon KPD”

Bonus #3 VideoBlogAI  StockHub

“Get Instant Access To The World’s First Biggest Collection Of Stock Images, Videos, Vectors, GIFS, Animations, Memes & Audios + Inbuilt Image & Video Editor On a Complete Searchable Platform”

Bonus#4 VideoBlogAI  CB site version,


Bonus #5  VideoBlogAI  Jobsite version:

“NEW CLOUD SOFTWARE BUILDS Beginner-Friendly Profitable JOB SEARCH Sites In 90 Seconds With TWO Income Streams”

⇒Download All Bonuses Here: bit.ly/VideoBlogAI

Thanks & Regards,

Нужно ответить до: 16.09.2023 10:59:36

17.08.2023 05:46:00, Brian And Dee Dupont
Вопрос: The TikTok social media platform has seen explosive growth over the last two years. It now has 500
million users that are desperate for fun and exciting content and this is a massive opportunity for you
to promote your business.

I can help you to grow and promote your tiktok account organically
visit my 5 star profile and join over 3000 happy customer

Click here to check out   ===== > https://tinyurl.com/5xb5akhj

See you there!
Brian And Dee

Нужно ответить до: 16.09.2023 05:46:00

16.08.2023 19:54:37, Robert Wilson
Вопрос: Hey there,

Get ahead of the competition with AI

Go to https://rokl.ink/increased-sales

to uncover a lucrative partnership opportunity that will skyrocket your leads and sales.

Best regards,

Richard   Brown


If you wish to discontinue communication,
please opt out at https://rokl.ink/optout.
Нужно ответить до: 15.09.2023 19:54:37

16.08.2023 09:52:56, Daniel Nordan
Вопрос: If you need more traffic for your offers,
or just better quality traffic, here's a
brand new site you'll definitely want to
check out.  

Just briefly...

It's Instant. Add a link and get traffic
almost immediately.

It's High-Quality. At least 25-30% will
be proven buyers looking at your offers.

It's Easy. I had my first visitor within
5 minutes of signing up!

It Converts. (Your example here once you
get going...)

It's Paid-Only. So no clicking or email
reading crap. Just 100% set-and-forget.

It's Affordable. It's really not expensive,
but just two referrals and it's free!

You can probably see there's a whole lot
to it, but it's incredibly quick to set
up and easy to use.

Please check it out and let me know what
you think!

===>>> bit.ly/BuyerTrafficNow

To Your Success,

Daniel. N
Нужно ответить до: 15.09.2023 09:52:56

15.08.2023 15:28:12, Richard Wilson
Вопрос: Hey there,

Get ahead of the competition with AI

Go to https://rokl.ink/increased-sales

to uncover a lucrative partnership opportunity that will skyrocket your leads and sales.

Best regards,

William   Anderson


If you wish to discontinue communication,
please opt out at https://rokl.ink/optout.
Нужно ответить до: 14.09.2023 15:28:12

15.08.2023 11:39:02, Dawn Paul
Вопрос: How would you like to have a personal assistant that can help you create Everything For You?

Well, your wish has come true!

Introducing…Ai Suite

80-In One - The world’s first ChatGPT (OpenAi)

Powered App Suite…That Does Everything- For you

==> Here Full Scoop: bit.ly/AiSuite

TOP Features:

✅ Real ChatGPT Ai Chatbot

✅ Ai Text to Video Generator

✅ Ai Content Generator

✅ Ai Text to Image Generator

✅ Ai Keyword to Video Generator

✅ Ai Keyword to Image Generator

✅ Ai Image Variation Generator

✅ Ai Graphic Editor

✅ Ai Product Name Generator

✅ Ai Text to Speech

✅ Ai Video To Text

and Many More..

With Ai Suite, you can now spend less time stressing about your creative work and more time doing what you love!

And the best part?

Ai Suite is easy to use!

All you have to do is chat with it, and it will do the rest.

So, why wait?

>> Go & check it out before they take it down: bit.ly/AiSuite


Нужно ответить до: 14.09.2023 11:39:02

15.08.2023 10:55:39, Jayme Harmer
Вопрос: With zero commission you Buy & Sell the right domain name for you or any bussiness you want , All you need is to create an account and start sell.

check it out === > https://zerocom.domains/

Нужно ответить до: 14.09.2023 10:55:39

14.08.2023 20:15:54, Finn Pierson
Вопрос: Do you need targeted Customers emails and phone numbers , so I am here to help you check out  my Fiverr 5 stares profile serving over 880 happy customers
contact me here and tell me what you need  ===== >  Oldreach.com
See you there


Нужно ответить до: 13.09.2023 20:15:54

14.08.2023 12:03:24, Gary Johnson
Вопрос: If you want to make $10-$150

for an hour of your time working at

home part-time.

Then this is the most

important email you're ever

going to read.

==SEE WHY HERE: bit.ly/FreeEmailSender

They're paying for work now.

Easy and real work you can do from home.

To Your Success,

Нужно ответить до: 13.09.2023 12:03:24

12.08.2023 23:10:03, James Gordon
Вопрос: What if I told you that you can start generating

massive FREE traffic in under 23 seconds

by exploiting a new secret AI-powered app

That’s called “the Chat GPT Killer?”

I know it sounds like science fiction, but believe

it or not, it’s 100% possible!

This super exciting app is called “Apex”, and it’s

taking the internet by storm…

With "Apex," you can generate 4,458 clicks using

ONLY free traffic (no paid ads, ever.).

Imagine what you could do with that kind of traffic!

=> Click Here To Get Instant Access To “Apex” Now: https://bit.ly/LimitedApex

And the best part?

You don't need any hosting or domain to get started!

Here are some of the benefits you can expect

from "Apex"

Get 4,458 clicks using ONLY free traffic

Crank out money sites that work 24/7

Never worry about SEO or writing content yourself

No hosting or domain is needed

No learning curve

=> Click Here To Get Instant Access To “Apex” Now: https://bit.ly/LimitedApex

If you want to take advantage of this “Chat GPT” killer

software, this is your chance.

But, you have to be quick.

I heard rumors that “Apex” won’t be online for

long, and the team is planning to pull it off the

market since they’re getting thousands of new

users as you read this.

That’s why time is of the essence.

Be quick and grab your personal copy of “Apex”

before it’s gone forever!

=> Click Here To Get Started Now: https://bit.ly/LimitedApex

I'll see you inside,

Нужно ответить до: 11.09.2023 23:10:03

12.08.2023 18:55:22, Ori Degotardi
Вопрос: Want passive monthly commissions? Check out this free course

==> https://crm.onlineadagent.net

Нужно ответить до: 11.09.2023 18:55:22

12.08.2023 09:19:59, Robert Wilson
Вопрос: Hello,

Want to outshine the competition with AI?

Go to https://rokl.ink/increased-sales now to explore our partnership

that promises a surge in leads and sales for your business.

Best regards,

Thomas   Thompson


To stop receiving any further communication,
please opt out at https://rokl.ink/optoutone.
Нужно ответить до: 11.09.2023 09:19:59

12.08.2023 08:45:05, Brian And Dee Boyle
Вопрос: The TikTok social media platform has seen explosive growth over the last two years. It now has 500
million users that are desperate for fun and exciting content and this is a massive opportunity for you
to promote your business.

I can help you to grow and promote your tiktok account organically
visit my 5 star profile and join over 3000 happy customer

Click here to check out   ===== > https://tinyurl.com/5xb5akhj

See you there!
Brian And Dee

Нужно ответить до: 11.09.2023 08:45:05

11.08.2023 23:59:54, Tony Willson
Вопрос: How would you feel about the need not to pay for any expensive Video tools for Lifetime?

What about paying once and using all Ai features for a lifetime without any restrictions?

⇒Go and Check Full Details Here: bit.ly/VideoBlogAI

Introducing VideoBlogAi.

VideoBlogAI - The World’s First OpenAI’s New Tech “Dall E 2.0-powered App Turns Any Blog Url Into Attention-Grabbing Ai Video With Human-Like Voice Over In Less Than 60 Seconds…

✅ Turn Any Blog Url Into Stunning Ai Video In Less Than 60 Seconds……

✅ Choose From Our Built-In Human-Like Voice Artists For Videos…

✅ Get Access To A Vast Pool Of Over 200+ Million Video Clips, Images, And Much More!

✅ Writes JVs & Android codes…

✅ Effortlessly Turn Tweets & Powerpoint Presentations Into Engaging  Ai Videos

✅ Start Profiting By Converting Any Blog Article Into a Video Podcast, Reels, Shorts & So Much More…

==>Go and watch the 60 seconds demo video Here: bit.ly/VideoBlogAI

Right now, you have an early bird discount on this page which gives you full lifetime access to VideoBlogAI just at the price of a cheap t-shirt…

⇒Click the link here to get a copy of VideoBlogAI at the lowest one-time price: bit.ly/VideoBlogAI

Also, you are going to get these Free Bonuses Here:-

Bonus#1 VideoBlogAI  Apps Version

“Brand New 1-Click Cloud Based Mobile App Builder LETS YOU CREATE UNLIMITED MOBILE APPS FOR IOS & ANDROID!”

Bonus#2 VideoBlogAI  Puzzle version

“1 Click App Help You Create A Full-Time PASSIVE INCOME Publishing Puzzle Books On Amazon KPD”

Bonus #3 VideoBlogAI  StockHub

“Get Instant Access To The World’s First Biggest Collection Of Stock Images, Videos, Vectors, GIFS, Animations, Memes & Audios + Inbuilt Image & Video Editor On a Complete Searchable Platform”

Bonus#4 VideoBlogAI  CB site version,


Bonus #5  VideoBlogAI  Jobsite version:

“NEW CLOUD SOFTWARE BUILDS Beginner-Friendly Profitable JOB SEARCH Sites In 90 Seconds With TWO Income Streams”

⇒Download All Bonuses Here: bit.ly/VideoBlogAI

Thanks & Regards,

Нужно ответить до: 10.09.2023 23:59:54

11.08.2023 22:12:34, Michael Sinclair
Вопрос: Hello,
I was looking at your site and the services you provide and was wondering if you would be open to getting more leads and sales for your business?

I’m with HiveMailers, we use a robust email system to get clients daily leads and/or sales 24/7.


- We create the content for the email(s).
- We provide the email list (contacts).
- We forward leads to you daily.
- We manage your email campaigns 24/7.
- We make changes to the list and content until we get results.

Just imagine, getting hot leads within days of getting started with us.

You might be wondering if our system works, well if you are reading this message, it works.

Get started now for a $47.00 setup fee and just $997 per month (month-to-month/no long-term contract).
Book a 10 min call with me now: https://bit.ly/hivemailers-appointment

NOTE: To buy an email list and hire an in-house email manager to run your campaign (like our system) would cost around $5,500 a month, but with us, you pay just $997. So, you save over $4,000 a month.

This offer is good for the first 20 clients, don’t miss out.  Book appointment now: https://bit.ly/hivemailers-appointment

Нужно ответить до: 10.09.2023 22:12:34

Телефон (факс)
Юридический адрес: 692980, Приморский край, Лазовский  р-н, с. Лазо, ул. Советская, д.  69,

Почтовый адрес: 692998, Приморский край, Лазовский р-н, п. Преображение, пер. Партизанский, 20